The Foley 672 and 673 Bedknife Grinders are designed to deliver the easiest and fastest bedknife grinding experience. These grinders utilize innovative electromagnets and Positive Gauge Stops to secure the bed bar in place, making setup simple and efficient. Whether you’re dealing with a front face or top face grind, these machines ensure repeatable precision without the need for recalibration.
Innovative Bedknife Mounting System: Utilizes powerful electromagnets and Positive Gauge Stops to securely hold the bed bar, allowing for quick and accurate setup.
Fast Angle Setup: Provides repeatability without recalibration, making it easy to switch between grinding the front face and the top face with the powered Tool Bar.
Operator Protection: Features a sturdy metal hood with a clear polycarbonate window, retaining the coolant mist and shielding the operator. The Interlocking Switch ensures safe operation by preventing the machine from running unless the hood is fully closed.
Supplemental Power Supply: Maintains power to the electromagnets and bed bar even during a power outage, ensuring consistent and secure operation.
Easy-to-Use Controls: The 672 model uses a precision hand wheel for manual control, while the 673 automates the process with pre-set programs, allowing for automatic in-feed of the grinding head and stopping the grinding process once completed.
Mounting System: Electromagnets provide secure bedknife placement.
Angle Setup: Fast and repeatable angle setup without recalibration.
Operator Safety: Equipped with a metal hood and Interlocking Switch for maximum safety during operation.
Control Options: Precision hand wheel on the 672; automated in-feed and stop functions on the 673.
Power Supply: Supplemental power maintains electromagnet function during power interruptions.
Q: How do the Foley 672/673 Bedknife Grinders improve bedknife maintenance?
A: The Foley 672/673 models streamline bedknife grinding with innovative features like the electromagnet mounting system and fast angle setup, ensuring efficient and repeatable results every time.
Q: What’s the difference between the Foley 672 and 673 models?
A: The Foley 672 uses a precision hand wheel for manual control, while the Foley 673 offers automated in-feed and stop functions, providing even greater ease and efficiency in bedknife grinding.
Optimize your bedknife grinding process with the Foley 672/673 Bedknife
Grinders—engineered for speed, precision, and ease of use.
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