Corporate Social Responsiblity | Turf & Irrigation

Jebsen & Jessen Technology Turf & Irrigation

Corporate Social Responsiblity

Our corporate social responsiblity activities range from ongoing projects such as our Meet a Need Programme to activities organised individually by our subsidiaries and associate companies including home visits, gifts in kind, blood donation drives and humanitarian relief aid.

The activities we become involved in work towards improving day-to-day life: providing more opportunities for education, supporting economic development and environmental causes.

Meet a Need Programme:

Our Meet a Need programme combines corporate volunteering with funding for projects that meet a specific social or environmental need in the region. Heinrich Jessen, Chairman, personally devised and launched the initiative in 2007. The idea was simple; create hands-on opportunities for our staff to support not-for-profit projects in the region. The work had to meet a particular need and staff had to be given the chance to be involved with the community.

“We are involved in community projects because we feel that this is how a business should operate, connected to and sharing experiences with the people in the communities around it.” Heinrich Jessen, Chairman.

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