Grow Gain
8-16-0 | DENSE CANOPY COVER Produce a dense leaf canopy using highly available nitrogen and phosphorus sources with supercharged biochemistry. Grow Gain is the ideal tool
8-16-0 | DENSE CANOPY COVER Produce a dense leaf canopy using highly available nitrogen and phosphorus sources with supercharged biochemistry. Grow Gain is the ideal tool
MASTER MOISTURE DISTRIBUTION Moisture control just got easier. Balance air and water in the soil with this user-friendly wetting agent, featuring flexible use rates and tank
0-0-1 | BOOST PHOTOSYNTHESIS MicroBooster is a unique combination of sea kelp, sugars, and amino acids to reduce stress-related injury and optimize energy production through photosynthesis.
Sederhanakan Nutrisi Rumput Anda dengan Simplot Bermudagrass Special™ 20-5-30 Diciptakan untuk keunggulan, Simplot Bermudagrass Special™ menawarkan solusi nutrisi seimbang, memastikan rumput Anda selalu dalam kondisi terbaik.
STRESS DEFENSE, RESILIENT GREENS Toughen your turf with Strength. Fortify cell walls and activate natural defense mechanisms, to create a protective shield at the cellular level.
Herbisida Monument dari Syngenta menghadirkan teknologi inovatif dengan efektivitas luar biasa dalam mengelola berbagai jenis gulma pada rumput. Dengan formulasi yang dirancang untuk pengendalian yang superior
Regulator Pertumbuhan Rumput PRIMO MAXX yang Ditingkatkan untuk Manajemen Rumput Profesional PRIMO MAXX mewakili inovasi dalam perawatan rumput, menawarkan solusi untuk rumput yang lebih tebal, tahan
Merevolusi Manajemen Kelembaban Rumput dengan Qualibra Sambut terobosan Qualibra, agen pembasah yang mengubah interaksi kelembaban dengan rumput Anda. Dirancang untuk kontrol hidrasi superior, formula aksi ganda
0-0-6 | STRONG TURF RICH ROOT ZONE Pristine playing surfaces start with a strong foundation. The Core delivers essential energy and building blocks for all plant
26-0-0 | YOU’RE IN CONTROL, SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN No more growth rollercoaster. Throttle let’s you rev plant nitrogen levels up or down to match your growth
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